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Civil Service is a team of officials, permanent, paid & skilled in particular activity. Civil Servant is impartially selected through Open Completion conducted by Expert autonomous institution like Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) or State Public Service Commission like Maharashtra Public Service Commission (MPSC). It is politically neutral, execute policies of government with letter & spirit & provide feedback mechanism from ground level for Policy making & reviewing.
Civil Services Private Sector

It is career service. It is lifetime occupation.

Salary always be in incremental. Salary linked not only with Inflation Index but also there is some regular increment on annual basis. Salary in general never be in downfall position, as it not depend on market condition.

Provide opportunity for promotion. Up to some ladder there is Time bound promotions.

Full job Security if you serve with full of letter & spirit. No need to depend on whim of your Senior.

You can do the work with absolute honesty & neutrality. No need to …

It gives High Social recognition & prestige.

It may be may not be career service. Many of time occupation may shift based on the opportunities & market condition. There is no guarantee for lifetime job.

Salary maybe with much bigger package. But may not be stable enough, as it depends upon economic condition of firm which always be playing in market dynamics. Salary may show down fall in time of recession.

Promotional opportunities are based on performance & relations with Boss. There is no any automatic process of promotion.

Job security is completely depend upon whim of your Boss. There is Hire & Fire system. So you always be under job insecurity.

You have to do work in tandem with requirement of your Boss. So never be neutral enough .your honesty always be with your Boss.

It may give you Social recognition & prestige based on your Package & working area.

It is just like ABCD (Any Body can Dance). Just go through the background of selected candidates, you will notice that many successful candidates comes from rural/slum/small City areas, with weak financial position & having poor academic performance. Only requirement for getting success is honest attempts with full of spirit, & see you can also dance.

We can classify Civil Services of India in to THREE categories-

  1. All India Services
  2. Central Civil Services
  3. State Civil Services

Personnel of All India Services & Central Civil Services selected by U.P.S.C. while State Civil Servants by S.P.S.C. like M.P.S.C. in Maharashtra.

All India Services….. There are at present THREE All India Services –

  1. Indian Administrative Services (IAS)
  2. Indian Police Services (IPS) &
  3. Indian Forest Services (IFS)

Of these Services first two are Generalised Services while third one is technical service.

There are total …… available for aspirants.

If we see the number of applications & candidates who appear in examination, we can easily say there is tough completion. Even results show thin margin between success & failures. Every year around 5 to 7 lakhs & 3 to 5 lakhs applications submitted in UPSC & MPSC respectively. However, only around 40% applicants actually appeared in examination. Even among these appeared candidates only about 25% candidates are seriously attempting examination. So though virtually numbers show huge competition, but at qualitative level competition is manageable. If you are truly serious aspirants so there are fair chances of success.

In reality there is no such appropriate /ideal time to start. जब जागे तब सबेरा! Results are reflected among youngsters as well as among elder competitors. What is important that you must be 100% devoted to the task. However, starting of preparation in early age has its own advantages-

  • Probability of success with confidence
  • Long prosperous career after selection.
  • Opportunity to prepare for alternative career if any shocks generated from Civil Services examinations.

Ideally aspirants need to start devotedly from 12th standard examination & continue throughout the academic years in such a way that you can be ready for serious attempt just after your final year examination.

There is no such standard Time schedule for study. Everyone have its own schedule. However, 8 to 12 hours a Day can be considered as one of the ideal time. Time factor influence by various other factors such as- concentration, retention ability, speed of reading, interest in reading etc.

These examinations are being attempted by aspirants from various streams with varied capacities in differential dynamic environments. Again examination itself has its own dynamics. It is not like academic examination with exhaustive syllabus & set pattern of test. So, Success here is “Game of Probability” .You have to play with risk, obviously it is somewhat calculative if you make meticulous plan & implement it.

Syllabus of examination is Illustrative in nature, so no such limits like academic examinations. As syllabus is opening ended, you need to read topics from different sources to cover the expanding ambit of topics in syllabus. However, it means not you just make mountain of books. You must be selective about resources. Use authentic standard text books, one National Newspaper & one standard magazine. Reading too much from different sources would be hanged over your reproducing capacity. Read selective but with full of understanding & grasp it in such way it can be store in your long term memory.

  • Read syllabus thoroughly.
  • Go through previous years Test papers & understand the nature of question style.
  • Start with State Education Board & NCERT text books in general from 8th to 12th standard. Read these to understand basic concepts & overall aspects about subject/topic.
  • You can add the IGNOU & NOS books. These are really worth full.
  • After it read one or two standard reference Books selectively.
  • Read one National Newspaper on daily basis.
  • Read one of the best national level magazine made for exam
  • Make topical notes in detail & at micro level.
  • Make habit of revision after fixed time.
  • Test yourself through standard question bank & previous years Tests.
  • Find out your strong & weak areas; work accordingly in such a way that your weak areas cannot become reason for your failure.
  • Be selective but read extensive & intensive way as per the requirement
  • Take guidance of seniors/successful candidates or anyone who is mature in the concern subjects whenever necessary.

SUCCESS FROM ALL WAYS! There is no any straight jacket formula. However, for every achievement some ideal path is demarcated so about the Civil Services Examinations. We hereby put forward some Ideals we called these as “PANCHSHEEL” (Five Ideal Paths)-

  • Righteous Reading
  • Righteous Thinking
  • Righteous Writing
  • Righteous Communication

Righteous Reading- Not to just read but try to understand meaning behind words. So read objectively with interpretative understanding. Righteous Thinking- While reading churn it by heart. Don’t read hurriedly. Take pause & think in holistic way to build your original thoughts. Righteous Writing- Write on regular basis after reading & thinking over the topic. It will help to enrich your reproducing ability in logical & rethymic way. Righteous Communication- One needs to build up expressive power. So talk regularly, with your small group of aspirants. Try to speak judiciously with proper words to reflect correct signals to the listener. It will help to make you confident. Righteous Management- In competitive examinations three things need to be properly utilise- TIME, MONEY & MATERIAL. These three aspects must be utilising for results & not for leisure. You must be using these with minimum input with maximum output. So need to be work intelligently. In other way it means- कम दाम मे भरपूर रोशनी ! Believe in yourself-be confident- make judicious hard work… Success always is with you! You are the harbinger for your career! ALL THE BEST!